06 February 2007

Diarrhée de la Bouche

Welcome to Diarrhée de la Bouche. Here you will find the rantings and ravings of a guy just trying to find the truth. Whatever the hell that means. The interesting thing is, is the truth is whatever you believe it to be. Sometimes the truth is blurry and sometimes it is clear as day. So don’t hold it against me if I have two exactly opposing opinions. It’s my blog and I’ll think how I want to think and when I want to think it.

In case you are wondering what “Diarrhée de la Bouche” means, let me enlighten you. It’s google-french for “Diarrhea of the Mouth.”

Well wait a second. What does google-french mean? Google-french is Google's English to French translation of “Diarrhea of the Mouth.” It could be translated into proper French, but more than likely it doesn’t mean anything more than just a bunch of french words strung together. Have you ever used googles translator to translate a site and it kinda makes sense but not completely? Well, that’s an example of google-french.

As for me, let me introduce myself. My name is Colin. I have a strong background in the technology industry. More specifically in the consumer electronics market. So from time to time you might find me talking about some tech gadget I think is cool and actually useful. Or maybe some insites I might have on an industry issue. More importantly I’m here to, well, just blahhhhhhhhh. Have Diarrhée de la Bouche. This is where I write about my aha’s and interesting brain bending ideas. It might make sense it might not. Either way it should be interesting, at least for me. It's my world afterall, you are just visiting.


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