06 March 2007

Stop Waiting

The first thing that was said to me, in my first class, on the first day of school when I first started college was, "If there is something you want to learn or do, go and learn it or do it. Don't wait for us to teach you. Don't wait two years for that class to come."

Of the 5 years in college that it took me to complete my undergrad, that was the first thing I learned and definitely the most important thing. If I forget everything else I was taught and remember only that, I will live a successful life. Heck I have forgotten everything else. It's true. Ask me what I learned in Calculus and I'll say, "I dunno." Okay so it's part true, there's a lot I remember. Like that one time I met this stunningly beautiful waitress at a mexican restaurant and she asked me to meet her after work where we ended up..... Sorry I was getting a little off topic there. Anyway, here's the point I'm trying to get at:


Stop waiting.
For guaranteed success. If there is something you want, go out and get it. If you fail the first time, get up, dust yourself off, pause, look at what just happened, learn, and then turn and keep going after what you want.

Stop waiting.
For knowledge. You don't need to know everything to go after what you want. You just need to know what you want. Many of the most successful people in the world are people that never went to college or dropped out of it. Look at the richest man in the world, Bill Gates. He dropped out.

Stop waiting.
For experience. You don't need experience to go after what you want. Experience will come with going for what you want. Besides there are plenty of people with experience that are willing to help you. You just need to ask.

Stop waiting.
For permission. If that's what you are waiting for, I give you permission to go for it. Besides, its been said that it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission. You can always say you're sorry.

Stop waiting.
For your kids to grow up or to get off for the summer or to go back to school in the fall or whatever. Children are not an excuse, they are the reason. Teach your kids something that's actually useful for them to know. Teach them to not wait, take risks, and go after what they truly want. Teach them that it's not okay to put their dreams on hold "until...."

Stop waiting.
For the right time. Most of the time, this "right time" thing is just an excuse. There isn't really a "right time." There are just times to do things and times where you definitely should not do it now. Here's a tip, ask yourself if this is the right time. If your answer is an "I don't know", a maybe, or something like that and then you start to talk yourself out of it saying it's not the "right time". That's a moment that's a right time. Now if you ask yourself that question and you immediately say that it is a "bad time" to do whatever it is you want to do, wait. Oh and here's a tip, most of the time is not a "bad time."

Stop waiting.
For a green light.

Okay so that last one is a bad example. If you are driving a car and come up to an intersection and you have a red light, you should stop and wait for a green light. Oh, but if it's yellow....

Seriously though. Stop waiting for something to happen in your life for you to do something with your life. Only when you do something with your life will something happen in your life.



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